
发布日期:2024-04-30 07:52    点击次数:117


热情「岛鸣海外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


若是您对澳洲的岛屿情有独钟,那么近期将拍卖的这座名为Temple Island的昆士兰私东谈主岛屿值得探究。

If you have a penchant for Australian islands, then the upcoming auction of Temple Island in Queensland is worth considering.

Temple Island坐落于昆士兰州中部海岸帕默斯顿角国度公园3公里处,距离麦凯东南60公里。岛上有一条1100米长的私东谈主飞机跑谈。

Temple Island is located 3 km off Cape Palmerston National Park on the Central Queensland coast and 60 km southeast of Mackay. The island has a private airstrip 1,100 meters long.

Temple Island是鲸鱼迁移的必经之地,同期亦然海龟筑巢的理思时事。这片123英亩的天国领有丰富的渔业资源,为您提供绝佳的哺养契机。岛上开阔的白色沙滩和原始珊瑚礁提供了绝佳的海滨体验,你还不错在岩石上采摘簇新的牡蛎。

Temple Island is a migration destination for whales and an ideal nesting site for sea turtles. Spanning 123 acres, this paradise boasts abundant fishing resources, offering excellent angling opportunities. Its vast white sandy beaches and pristine coral reefs offer exceptional coastal experiences, while fresh oysters can be harvested from the rocks.


This paradise also features a comfortable 4-bedroom residence with a 25-square-foot north-facing deck and spacious balconies, providing a cozy living environment. The kitchen, bathroom and lounge are fully equipped to meet your daily needs.


In addition, the island has a continuous and stable off-grid power and hot water systems. Mobile network coverage, LED lighting and VHF radio are also available.


In addition to residential facilities, the island is equipped with a range of maintenance equipment including a new tractor, land maintenance tools, and building materials for your convenience. Additionally, equipment such as off-road buggy, a generator, large rainwater tanks and a fresh water bore make your island life more convenient and comfortable.

Temple Island是一处租借产权岛屿,当今已坚强了全新的30年租约。该岛的拍卖技巧定于澳洲技巧2024年5月16日星期四上昼11:30,宽待有酷爱的买家私信究诘。

Temple Island is a leasehold island property with a brand-new 30-year lease signed. The auction for the island is scheduled for Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. AEST. Interested buyers are welcome to contact us for further inquiries.


Thanks for your time. Until next time!



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0090 Paradise Island|塞舌尔的天国岛

Global Domain 「岛鸣海外」是私东谈主岛屿生涯样子的见地者,竭力于提供公共鸿沟内实在灵验的私东谈主岛屿销售信息及配套就业。在后疫情和地缘政事冲破风险加大的新期间布景下,为高净值东谈主群对资金安全和东谈主身安全的双重需求提倡立异性的惩办决策。



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