J9九游会中国 sheng solos-中国(九游会)官方网站

发布日期:2024-04-24 08:33    点击次数:146

On April 19th, with the theme of "Exploring Millennia of Cultural Heritage, Reading Historical Culture", the Xicheng Menwengcheng Ruins in Guangzhou hosted a reading promotion event. The event was filled with excitement as primary school students performed pipa solos, sheng solos, flute solos, Cantonese opera, and other performances by the ancient city walls. The melodious tunes of the flute echoed through the air. With the fusion of Cantonese opera movements and Guangdong music, along with a Cantonese-style exercise routine created by students, the atmosphere was vibrant with youthful energy. 


4月19日,广州西门瓮城办事公园举办以“探寻千年文脉 品读历史文化”为主题的全民阅读实验四肢。四肢现场精彩不断,在亭台楼阁的古城墙边,小学生们带来琵琶弹唱、笙独奏、笛子独奏、粤曲等饰演,笛声摇荡;以粤剧身材配以广东音乐,鸠合学生播送体操创编而成的粤韵操,充满芳华活力与朝气。

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